Commercial Insurance FAQs

Commercial insurance is essential for protecting your business from financial liability or damage that may occur to your property. If you are in the greater Greensboro, NC community, contact our team of insurance experts at Community Management Insurance Group for your commercial insurance needs. 

What is Commercial Insurance? 

Commercial insurance is insurance coverage designed for businesses instead of individuals. There are different types of coverage to meet the needs of different businesses. 

What are the Types of Commercial Insurance? 

The most common types of insurance are property insurance, liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and commercial auto insurance. In addition to these basic types of coverage, you can choose other types of coverage that further protect your business.

Who Needs Commercial Insurance? 

Generally, business owners, independent contractors, and freelancers should consider commercial insurance. Even if your business isn’t your full-time job, you may need this type of coverage. 

If you own property that’s used to conduct business, you need a commercial property policy. If you have expensive equipment for your business, it’s also wise to get a commercial policy. 

Commercial auto insurance is needed if you use a vehicle primarily for business purposes. This can include driving to job sites, hauling equipment for work, or carrying passengers as part of your job. 

If the vehicle is owned by the business instead of an individual or driven by employees, you will need a commercial auto policy. 

What is Covered Under Commercial Insurance? 

Coverage will vary based on your specific policy. Generally, your business property and any equipment are covered under property insurance. Liability from injuries to customers is covered under general liability insurance. Worker’s compensation insurance will cover any injuries to employees on the job. 

Give Us A Call

If you need commercial insurance, contact us at Community Management Insurance Group in Greensboro, NC. We offer commercial insurance options that can meet the needs of your business.